Saturday, January 31, 2009

Missing Home

Just spoke with my hubby - he's out for dinner with some friends. I had to report to him that although I'm pretty sure there are no poochies in my hair (lice) yet, I may have managed to pick up some scabies on my right hand. That's what I get for hanging with the toddlers and babies so much. One of the other volunteers has put a homeopathic remedy on the infected area on my hand so we'll see what happens - it might just be heat rash....

I brought some shampoo with me this time for lice, which I'll use before I leave just to be safe - I'll have to hope that the bumps on my hand heal before I leave and that I manage to avoid ringworm too... hazards of the job.

One of my house mates went to dinner the other night along with Sarah and Levor. They had a dinner meeting. They went to quite a nice hotel and when Katie came back she was telling me about what she'd had to eat, including a caramel brownie for dessert! I told her that I felt like I was on a reality TV show and that she had won reward and was now back at our camp telling me all about it.... I mean, come on.... caramel brownie with ice cream??!! I love the Indian food but that sounded pretty tasty to me.

We are off to a wedding tonight so maybe I'll be treated to some Indian sweets.....


Q said...

Hi there Becky...enjoying your blog and stories. The cockroach bit reminded me of the time we had one in our place at Hendry House, remember? You found a bathroom coated in borax with the door closed and a shaken room-mate unable to speak. You always were the creepy crawly killer, despite your aversion, you were much tougher than me. I must admit I would take threatening, violent, suicidal people ANY day over bugs! Be safe. Can't wait to hear all about it when you're back.


shadechaser said...

Go are going to be ready and deserving for some prime time spoiling when you get back.

stay safe


Sparx said...

I think a major trip to the spa is in order here....