I stepped on the scales this morning, curious to see the results of my high carb diet in India combined with loads of walking and sweating in the hot sun. I don't eat meat in India so it was entirely vegetarian for me. We would eat a bit of fruit in t
At any rate, the scales are telling me that I am down some 10 lbs or so... which I'm not sure is entirely accurate since we had to replace the battery on the scale - Hoto says it seems to be weighing light for him too. I certainly don't feel any lighter and my clothes aren't fitting any differently. The main reason I am somewhat preoccupied with my weight is due to the most common comment I had in India, which was "Auntie, you have much fat"....
In general, the Indian people are quite honest. They don't mean to be insulting, they simply state the facts. And the fact is, I am quite a bit more rotund than I was 5 years ago when I visited FFC and no one hesitated to tell me that. Laughing and smiling they would say, "Auntie, 5 years past you were thin and now you have much fat", or "Hahahaha... I don't know you as you have much fat now"....
I had cream of wheat and tea for breakfast this morning. Let's hope the scale heads in a downward direction as I start training for another mini-triathlon... Ideally, the next time I visit, my friends at FFC will worry about how thin I am and want to fatten me up...
Yes... I did say "next time"....